Articles on the subject: General
Differences Between Proprietary Will and Usufruct Legacy
In Finland the title i.e. the right of ownership can be legally separate from usufruct, also known as the right ...
How to make a Notice of Defect in Trade of Real Estate
Provisions concerning the trade of real estate and possible cases of defects in properties are found in the Code of ...
What Can a Buyer Expect of an Old House
Oftentimes real estate disputes manifest in the buyer’s expectations when they buy an old property. The buyer might have bought ...
Making a job part-time
An employer may turn a full-time employment contract into a part-time contract should there exist non-temporary financial and production-related grounds ...
Defects and Building Contracts
An owner of a single-family home encounters at times need to renovate. Sometimes it might be a big and through ...
Obligation of Maintenance in Housing Co-operative
As per the Finnish Housing Co-operatives Act (Asunto-osakeyhtiölaki) the co-operative instead of dwelling unit owners is obliged of maintaining the ...
Valuation in Acquisition and Generational Handover
Valuation, value and price People’s view of the value of a company depends greatly on their perspective. The seller views ...
Pro Forma Registration
A pro forma registration of title means clarification of the ownership of the real estate or an unseparated parcel or ...
Kovenantti rahoituksen apuvälineenä
“Kovenantti” on yleinen ja vakiintunut suomenkielinen vastine englanninkieliselle covenant-termille. Kovenantti on tulevaisuudessa saadun rahoituksen takaisinmaksun varmistamiseen pyrkivä ja edellytykset sen ...
Statutory portion of an inheritance
Statutory portion of an inheritance is a minimum share, which the heir receives in spite of the Last Will of ...
Quarrelsome estate
An estate of deceased is an economic entity consisting of the deceased person’s assets and debts. The parties to this ...
Responsibility for repairing equipment
Service maintenance is usually based on mutual agreement between the parties. The contractual relationship is based on the fact that ...
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