Articles on the subject: Labor Law
Ending a Civil Service Employment Contract
Ending a civil service employment contract – that is an employment contract governed by legi specialii, namely the Civil Service ...
Changes to Zero-Hour Contracts
Previously, both the Employment Contract Act and the Working Hours Act have allowed employing workers under so-called zero-hour contracts, meaning ...
Making a job part-time
An employer may turn a full-time employment contract into a part-time contract should there exist non-temporary financial and production-related grounds ...
Termination of employment on sick leave
Employment relationship can only be terminated on a weighty and substantive basis. Sickness is, in principle, a non-acceptable reason unless ...
Employee Inventions: Rights of the company and the inventor
The employee invention is an invention which is made by an employee during the employment relationship and which can be ...
Changing the terms of the employment contract
In principle, the employment contract is binding on both the employer and the employee, and neither party may change the ...
KKO solved duty to offer extra job to part-time employee
This article has been published in North-Carelian entrepreneur’s magazine Neuvokas. The Supreme Court gave 3.2.2017 precedent KKO 2017:4, which handled ...
Part-time employment: what should be considered?
Part-time work means work where the regular working time is shorter than the working time of a full-time employee. For ...
Written Warning for an Employee
It is a requirement to give a written warning for an employee before a termination of the employment contract. According ...
Work discrimination
Work discrimination means that the employer or employer’s representative place a job applicant or an employee in an unequal position ...

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