
Articles on the subject: Procedural Law

The Jura Novit Curia principle is binding on Swedish arbitration

On 9 March 2017, the Svea Court of Appeal issued a judgment confirming the Jura Novit Curia principle also applicable ...

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Delivery clauses in contracts

The delivery clauses clarify the buyer and seller’s rights and obligations regarding the delivery and handing over of the goods. ...

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Oral agreement in court

An oral agreement binds its parties, such as a written agreement in accordance with the principle of binding nature of ...

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New Mediation rules of the Finland Chamber of Commerce

This article is relased in Advoc Gazette – November 2017 .                       ...

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There are many ways to solve disputes

This article is published in journal of North Karelia Chamber of Commerce. The court of law procedure In general, in ...

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The revision of the SCC Rules

The institutional arbitration rules of The Stockholm Commerce of Chamber entered into force on the first of January 2010 and ...

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Arbitration is a fast method to resolve disputes

Arbitration is an alternative dispute resolution method to court proceedings. Arbitration has constantly become more popular and strengthened its position. ...

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Finland implemented the ADR-directive

Finland implemented the ADR-directive on the 9.1.2016 Many countries already have sector-specific dispute resolution procedures generally created by sectoral organizations, ...

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