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Checklist for Buying a Detached House

The law obliges the buyer to inspect the property carefully. After the sale one may not invoke a defect that ...

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Leasing a House – Real Estate Law

How to Lease a House Real Estate Law December 29, 2015 This article has been published in the Omakoti Magazine ...

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Declining Inheritance

How to decline an inheritance and its consequences When declining an inheritance the beneficiary gives up their legal or bequeathed ...

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Why Estate Inventory Must Include Surviving Spouse’s Assets and Debts

  Family and Inheritance Law   If the decedent was married at the time of death, an estate inventory deed ...

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Final Accounts in Construction Contracts and Collection of Claims

The General Terms and Conditions (GTC) of building contracts are wide and complicated in scope and challenging to interpret. The ...

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Ending a Civil Service Employment Contract

Ending a civil service employment contract – that is an employment contract governed by legi specialii, namely the Civil Service ...

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Changes to Zero-Hour Contracts

Previously, both the Employment Contract Act and the Working Hours Act have allowed employing workers under so-called zero-hour contracts, meaning ...

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The Purpose of Housing Co-op Code of Conduct

Oftentimes a housing co-op has created a code of conduct in which rules and prohibitions concerning the members are laid ...

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Construction Contracts – A Buyer’s Perspective

From the buyer’s perspective a construction contract includes multiple critical steps. Succeeding is always dependent on sufficient expertise at construction ...

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Division of Property at Divorce

A married couple might have accumulated matrimonial (community) property, which they have acquired during the marriage, and to which they ...

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Differences Between Proprietary Will and Usufruct Legacy

In Finland the title i.e. the right of ownership can be legally separate from usufruct, also known as the right ...

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How to make a Notice of Defect in Trade of Real Estate

Provisions concerning the trade of real estate and possible cases of defects in properties are found in the Code of ...

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