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The entrepreneur’s Last Will and Testament

Unexpected and sudden changes causes often damage to the business. It is difficult to be prepared to surprising situations, but ...

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The new Tobacco Act from the point of view of housing companies

This article will be released in ”Omakiinteistö” –magazine Smoking cigarettes is year in, year out, one of the biggest topics ...

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Are you owning or renting your shop?

This article is published in fashion business special journal Modin. There are good and bad aspects when renting or owning ...

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Partial partition and distribution of an estate

Partitioning of marriage property and distribution of an estate are usually handled with one service from start to end. Both ...

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Written Warning for an Employee

It is a requirement to give a written warning for an employee before a termination of the employment contract. According ...

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Precontract of real estate sale

A precontract of real estate sale means specifically that it is a preliminary contract for a real estate sale. Parties ...

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Dear neighbours

Many things can annoy in residential neighbourhood Neighbourhood relationships are regulated in Act of neighbourhood relations, which has been provided ...

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Cancellation of an apartment deal

Cancellation of an apartment deal is possible if certain requirements under the Housing Transaction Act are met. Cancellation of the ...

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Work discrimination

Work discrimination means that the employer or employer’s representative place a job applicant or an employee in an unequal position ...

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Dear neighbours

Many things can annoy in residential neighbourhood Neighbourhood relationships are regulated in Act of neighbourhood relations, which has been provided ...

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