

We have created articles, downloadable guides and other resources to help you with any legal questions. Please, have a look!

Licensing intellectual property

Giving the right of use or in other words licensing, you can make your intellectual properties earn money without extra ...

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Liability of a constructor for construction defect

Liability of a constructor for defects comes into question mainly in two different cases. First of all the constructor (usually ...

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Supervisor’s responsibility in construction enterprise

In law or legal praxis there is no exact determination what will be supervisor’s responsibility in construction enterprise. To what ...

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The entrepreneur’s Last Will and Testament

Unexpected and sudden changes causes often damage to the business. It is difficult to be prepared to surprising situations, but ...

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Redemption Clause in the Articles of Association of a Limited Liability Company

The purpose of the redemption clause is to prescribe who has the right to redeem shares if the shares are ...

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The new Tobacco Act from the point of view of housing companies

This article will be released in ”Omakiinteistö” –magazine Smoking cigarettes is year in, year out, one of the biggest topics ...

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Partial partition and distribution of an estate

Partitioning of marriage property and distribution of an estate are usually handled with one service from start to end. Both ...

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Are you owning or renting your shop?

This article is published in fashion business special journal Modin. There are good and bad aspects when renting or owning ...

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Limited liability company´s liquidation

A Limited liability company is possible to dissolve in accordance with the rules set forth in the Limited Liability Companies ...

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Trademark dilution

What is dilution? Dilution is a phenomenon and an umbrella term for two types of harm which mark can suffer, ...

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Written Warning for an Employee

It is a requirement to give a written warning for an employee before a termination of the employment contract. According ...

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Procurement procedure

Ministry of Employment and Economy is currently preparing a Government bill to the Parliament concerning new procurement legislation, which would ...

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