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Precontract of real estate sale

A precontract of real estate sale means specifically that it is a preliminary contract for a real estate sale. Parties ...

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The revision of the SCC Rules

The institutional arbitration rules of The Stockholm Commerce of Chamber entered into force on the first of January 2010 and ...

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Dear neighbours

Many things can annoy in residential neighbourhood Neighbourhood relationships are regulated in Act of neighbourhood relations, which has been provided ...

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Arbitration is a fast method to resolve disputes

Arbitration is an alternative dispute resolution method to court proceedings. Arbitration has constantly become more popular and strengthened its position. ...

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How to avoid credit loss?

Everybody surely knows the situation, that contract has been concluded, service or product delivered and the client is not willing ...

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Public procurement procedure is changing

Government proposal for new public procurement act is planned to be given at the latest in June 2016 for the ...

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Filing of a claim in Bankruptcy

Filing of a claim in bankruptcy means a right of a creditor to secure his claim, receive settlement and use ...

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Fixing credit agreements

  Credit agreement is a contract that determines all the different terms and conditions relating to granting and repayment of ...

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Finland implemented the ADR-directive

Finland implemented the ADR-directive on the 9.1.2016 Many countries already have sector-specific dispute resolution procedures generally created by sectoral organizations, ...

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Work discrimination

Work discrimination means that the employer or employer’s representative place a job applicant or an employee in an unequal position ...

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Cancellation of an apartment deal

Cancellation of an apartment deal is possible if certain requirements under the Housing Transaction Act are met. Cancellation of the ...

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Business acquisition

Business acquisition is a form of company acquisition in which the object of the bargain is the business activity, as ...

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