

Lindblad & Co helped the employee with a dispute with his employer

Mikko Partanen from Ylöjärvi turned to Lindblad & Co’s professional service in a dispute between him and his employer. Legal advice for an employment dispute Mikko Partanen had worked in sales for several years when his and the employer’s views collided over the employment contract. Partanen hadn’t joined a union, ...

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The Purchase Was Canceled in a Dispute over House Mold

Not long after the deal was closed a couple found house mold in their new property in Tammela, Kanta-Häme region. The buyers were able to cancel the purchase with the help of Attorneys Lindblad & Co. Canceling the purchase required legal advice When Kaisa Nikkanen and Tomi Koskinen bought an ...

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Legal Advice on Employment Law Questions

Polyronic Ltd, founded in 1986, is currently the largest manufacturer of die cuts in Finland. Owned by three entrepreneurs and employing a dozen people, the Finnish company delivers die cuts mostly for the needs of packaging industry.    Legal Advice for Employee Relations Polytronic has utilized Lindblad & Co’s legal ...

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A Real Estate Sale Dispute Settled

With the help of Attorneys Lindblad & Co Ltd. the sale of an old pre-owned house was canceled by settling ...

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A Legal Expert to Help with Notice of Defects

When Minna and Kari Holma bought a house in August 2020 they had no idea what a real estate deal ...

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Buying a home in Finland: Lindblad & Co assisted a non-citizen in the process

When Bernard Günther, Sc.D (Finance and Economics) was appointed as the CFO and member of the executive council of Fortum ...

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The shopkeepers of Jounin Kauppa rely on Lindblad & Co Attorneys Ltd in law matters

Sampo Kaulanen and Michele Murphy-Kaulanen, shop keepers of widely-known Jounin Kauppa Oy,turn without exception in juridical matters to Lindblad & ...

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Lindblad & Co Attorneys Ltd along in Avainapteekkien markkinointi Oy

The Avainapteekki marketing chain owned by pharmacy shareholders has taken advantage of Lindblad’s know-how in the preparation of a shareholders’ ...

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The General Counseling Agreement adds value to customers of the Karelian Real Estate Management

From Lindblad & Co Attorneys Ltd the property management agency receives quick and reliable answers to the legal issues faced ...

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Lindblad & Co Attorneys Ltd has been an important legal aid for Talovarma Real Estate Services

Kiinteistöpalvelu Talovarma Oy is a long-time client of Lindblad & Co Attorneys Ltd, who appreciates Lindblad’s extensive expertise, careful insight ...

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Mari Laari

“For the first time in my life, I took the help of a lawyer, and I really did not have ...

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Tiliässät complements its service package with Lindblad’s legal expertise

The expertise gained from the partner gives the accounting office an even better service to customers.

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